Get to Know Us

Diego Reimondez

Diego is the president and co-founder of Sol Nascente. Through his experience as a forest gardener (Bosquenauta) and writer he’s helping to present our vision to the world. He likes designing forests which are safe and abundant for people, fauna and flora. He believes that in order to restore our relationship to the natural world we need to find balance between our civilized and wild sides while basing our dreams on ecologic reality.

Frank van Doremalen

Frank is the treasurer of Sol Nascente. With a background in physics and education he keeps us grounded in the real work at hand. While, with his free time, he’s been working with other Forest garden initiatives. This experience has giving him valuable insight not only into ecology, but also the practical aspects of what it takes to keep a regenerative organization up and running. On a personal level, he’s dreaming about moving south to Portugal to work more directly with the earth.